About – The Shop Accra




Imagine an Africa that has little to no dependence on its government. One which showcases the truth of its wealth by identifying, grooming and producing potential that benefits her own in diverse yet unselfish ways. Imagine an Africa whose identity is so well known and valued that nothing stops her from being. Imagine an Africa whose structures provide all the hope you need to keep the next generation comfortable in their authentic selves. When you think of Africa what do you hope for?


The vision of The Shop Accra is embedded in the word “community”. We believe in the Congolese proverb that says that “A single bracelet does not jingle.” This means that without one another, we cannot make a difference. This communal life is also built on the foundations of art, creativity and diversity. That is why we have taken it upon ourselves to create a haven that welcomes, supports and builds the talent and creativity of the African. From its onset, there was a realization of the need to invest in our people and throughout the years we have been honoured to lead and be a part of several life-impacting journeys.

The Shop, located in Accra, was born from the desire of the founder, Eyetsa, to promote
the art and crafts of the continent. The Shop Accra primarily operates as an
aggregator, which allows it to bring together several brands & suppliers on a platform
(the creative space) to connect them to consumers. After Accra, this aggregator concept
was replicated in Abidjan and Lagos.

Today, The Shop Accra with its experience in the industry has formed a
subsidiary trading company called Trade Store Annex which seeks to deploy the
concept store to trade across the African continent using a franchising model.

As a cultural and creative body that is at the very core of Africa’s creative economy, we
create wealth by combining the creation, production, and commercialization of
intangible creative content and turning them into tangible goods and services that
portray our identity and culture.



“We desire to bequeath two things to our children; the first one is roots, the other one is wings. “

— Sudanese proverb


Welcome to The Shop Accra!


The Shop Accra seeks to be at the forefront of Africa’s orange economy by
being the biggest locally accessible entity in Africa which provides a single platform for all
cultural and creative African products while contributing to the economic growth and
sustenance of all African creatives. The colour orange, a pigment used in ancient Egypt to adorn the tombs of the pharaohs, is the dominant colour for culture,creativity and identity.  Therefore, as a cultural and creative body that is at the very core of Africa’s creative economy, we create wealth by combining the creation, production and commercialization of intangible creative contents and turning them into tangible goods and services that portray our identity and culture.


The Shop Accra exists as an accessible platform for all cultural and creative Ghanaian & African products and to build, among its creatives, an economic cycle that promotes financial independence.


The Shop Accra seeks to be at the forefront of Africa’s orange economy by the biggest local accessible entity in Africa which provides a single platform for all cultural and creative African products while contributing to the economic growth and sustenance of all African creatives.


- Trust

- Growth

- Determination

- Creativity

- Convenience

- Accessibility

- Diversity

- Unity